Selecting Qualified Property Managers
In addition to education; in the selection process of obtaining a qualified commercial property manager for your site, it is imperative that consideration of the commercial property management candidates also include those who possess skill, sophistication and management experience. The combination of these attributes will ensure the financial success of your investment.
Project Profitability
Cambridge has the commercial property management knowledge to assist you with the many diverse tasks that are needed to keep your commercial property project profitable. Beyond the basic necessities of commercial property management services, we will work with you on strategic management planning including the initial review of the property, discuss the long and short term goals of the business plan, complete a commercial property valuation; prepare the tenant analysis and discuss current market trends.
Commercial Property Marketing Management
Marketing of the commercial property project would include research, identification of existing programs as well as public relation firms whom are equipped to target specific shortcomings. Direct marketing programs and special event programs are also very successful.
Commercial Property Market Analysis
In reviewing the leasing requirements of the commercial property project; Cambridge Management will prepare a market analysis, review the existing budget as well as addressing any proposed modifications. An analysis of direct canvassing will be reviewed as well as confirmation of the marketing area. A discussion of broker solicitation and a program of commercial property tenant retention will be prepared.
Tenant Concern Assistance
Cambridge is experienced in assisting you with all arenas of commercial tenant concerns; specifically acting as your liaison in correspondence to commercial property tenants, the preparation of retention programs and assisting with their build out concerns.
Of utmost concern to both the investor and their tenants are building concerns. Cambridge is knowledgeable in the many facets of HVAC maintenance, annual life/safety concerns and energy analysis.
Full Pro-Forma Analysis of Commercial Properties
Finally, Cambridge is experienced in the preparation of a full analysis of both leases and the debt service. A complete annual pro-forma of the commercial property is prepared. Our commercial property management team will complete a budget analysis and any modifications necessitated are discussed with the owner. In addition to contracted management services, a review of insurance and real estate are also periodically performed.
Due Diligence
Upon the decision of the disposition of the property; Cambridge has many years experience in the preparation of the due diligence process. We offer commercial property management that is capable of assisting the smooth transition granting the sale to move at a faster pace than otherwise may be the case.